The workshop Cultures in Europe - A European Culture? is an activity intended to promote an established international network of PhD Programmes under the general name of Process of Transformation in European Societies. This network counts on the collaboration of the University of Murcia (Spain), the University of Munich (Germany), the University of Graz (Austria), the University of Basel (Switzerland) and the University of Londonderry (Ireland). The objective is the Europeanisation both of the PhD students and their supervisors. Within the workshop, PhD students will present their projects and deepen their theoretical and fieldwork knowledge in seminars directed by experts. The workshops is organised in collaboration with the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Murcia and the prospective Centre for European Studies.
VENUE: University of Murcia, Campus de Espinardo, Murcia (Spain)
DATES: Academic Year 2012/2013.
INTENDED FOR: PhD students in Cultural Sciences at the Universities taking part in the aforementioned PhD Programmes Network.